Archive: working from home

The Future of Work in Focus
Competitive Intelligence

The Future of Work in Focus

Americans resoundingly want a hybrid work model – and 40% will consider leaving their job if asked to return to offices full time.

Ron Ruffinott

Ron Ruffinott

VP, Head of Research Solutions at Toluna

Three Trends That Will Define Market Research in 2021

Three Trends That Will Define Market Research in 2021

Can you guess which 3 tech ‘trends’ “will be particularly important as many organizations look to realign costs and spending?”


Alessia Lamonaca

Director of Marketing at Medallia LivingLens

Practice Better Self Care With a Better Research Workflow

Practice Better Self Care With a Better Research Workflow

Optimize your workflow for better focus, faster analysis, and more successful insights.

Guv Callahan

Guv Callahan

Content Marketing Manager at Rev

COVID-19: People-First Leadership

COVID-19: People-First Leadership

Keeping what matters most, people, at the forefront.

Michael McCrary

Michael McCrary

Insights Teams: Prepare for the Future of Flex Work

Insights Teams: Prepare for the Future of Flex Work

Get your team ready for a remote future.

Mark Hammer

Mark Hammer

CEO at Bloomfire

Coming Home to Big Changes

Coming Home to Big Changes

A look into the potential long-term impact of working remotely.

Rob Arnett

Rob Arnett

The Role Technology Plays in the Evolution of Market Research

The Role Technology Plays in the Evolution of Market Research

A look into the rising popularity of video tools to capture insights.


Alessia Lamonaca

Director of Marketing at Medallia LivingLens

COVID-19: Jobs to be Done
Insights Industry News

COVID-19: Jobs to be Done

COVID-19 highlights the importance of human connection.

Joan Yong

Joan Yong

Associate Research Director at Ipsos Pte Ltd

Working in a Virtual Environment: Tips for Effective Communication
Research Methodologies

Working in a Virtual Environment: Tips for Effective Communication

5 key tools for implementing effective communication in your team.

Brett Watkins

Brett Watkins

CEO at L&E Research