Archive: representative sample

Is Your Sample Representative? Exploring Inclusivity
Leonard Murphy

Leonard Murphy

Chief Advisor for Insights and Development at Greenbook

Considering the Telephone Preference Service (TPS)?

Considering the Telephone Preference Service (TPS)?

It makes no sense to speak to people who don’t want to be spoken to.

Martin Cawley

Martin Cawley

Associate Director at Sample Answers Ltd

Essentials When Building an Online Sample Platform
Research Technology (ResTech)

Essentials When Building an Online Sample Platform

The three-building blocks you need to master to build a reliable, representative online sample platform.


ThinkNow Team

at ThinkNow

GRIT Says Panel Woes Are Jeopardizing MR’s Future.
Focus Groups

GRIT Says Panel Woes Are Jeopardizing MR’s Future.

We have to overcome a common misconception about what mobile research really is, and what it can accomplish.

Michael Smith

Michael Smith

Purist, Meet Real World
Research Methodologies

Purist, Meet Real World

When it comes to developing a purely representative sample, telephone research is still far better than online research.

Ron Sellers

Ron Sellers

The Birth Of A New ARF Forum: An Interview With David Rabjohns
Leonard Murphy

Leonard Murphy

Chief Advisor for Insights and Development at Greenbook