Archive: nielsen

Top Market Research Agencies Announce Launch Of Research Choices
Insights Industry News

Top Market Research Agencies Announce Launch Of Research Choices

MR agencies comScore, GfK, Kantar, and Nielsen announced an initiative to boost transparency and choice for online audience measurement.

Leonard Murphy

Leonard Murphy

Chief Advisor for Insights and Development at Greenbook

Friday Rewind: Google, Twitter & Facebook… Oh My!
Insights Industry News

Friday Rewind: Google, Twitter & Facebook… Oh My!

The industry is changing very fast indeed now, and the need to adapt to the new world we find ourselves is more important now than ever.

Leonard Murphy

Leonard Murphy

Chief Advisor for Insights and Development at Greenbook

#MRMW Preview: Why Location is the Killer Feature of Mobile Research

#MRMW Preview: Why Location is the Killer Feature of Mobile Research

That pulsing blue location dot on your smartphone’s mapping app is exactly what makes this device a uniquely powerful tool for market research. Here a...

Thaddeus Fulford-Jones

Thaddeus Fulford-Jones

Counterpoint: Mobile Is Much More Than Hype

Counterpoint: Mobile Is Much More Than Hype

The Survey Geek recently posted a highly sarcastic (and highly entertaining) blog entitled How to write a mobile research pitch piece. It labels mobil...

Leslie Townsend

Leslie Townsend

Chief Executive Officer at Cannabiz Consumer Group

Scraping By
Research Technology (ResTech)

Scraping By

Andrew Jeavons comments on recent articles and debates on web privacy.

Andrew Jeavons

Andrew Jeavons

Director Analytics at Signoi

Weekly Wrap-up – How We Saw Things in June of 2010

Weekly Wrap-up – How We Saw Things in June of 2010

Every so often, it’s fun to go back and see how we saw things then (like Brands expected to disapper in 2011).

Leonard Murphy

Leonard Murphy

Chief Advisor for Insights and Development at Greenbook