Archive: market research social media

How to Do Market Research on Instagram
Advertising and Marketing Research

How to Do Market Research on Instagram

Learn how to use Instagram for market research effectively. Discover strategies to gather insights and engage your audience for better business decisi...

Val Razo

Val Razo

SMM Consultant

How to Tap Social Media to Find New Insights
Advertising and Marketing Research

How to Tap Social Media to Find New Insights

Discover how a leading agency leverages social media to gain valuable insights into the human psyche and improve research studies.

Mike Page

Mike Page

Co-founder and CEO at Phebi.AI

The Social Challenges Facing Pharma Research

The Social Challenges Facing Pharma Research

Social media has become an established source of insight for people across the world. This is particularly true in the US where nearly 60 million peop...

Amanda Kealey

Amanda Kealey

Partner at Hall & Partners

Top AI Trends Affecting the Market Research Industry
Research Technology (ResTech)

Top AI Trends Affecting the Market Research Industry

Every industry has been impacted by artificial intelligence (AI) over the past decade. The market research realm is no exception to this change. AI ha...

Lucy Manole

Lucy Manole

Content Writer at Marketing Digest

Lead Up To The IIR TDMR: Interview With Warren Sukernek of Alterian
CEO Series

Lead Up To The IIR TDMR: Interview With Warren Sukernek of Alterian

With a month to go until until the Technology Driven Market Research event in Chicago, I’ll be posting a lot more of the interviews I have been conduc...

Leonard Murphy

Leonard Murphy

Chief Advisor for Insights and Development at Greenbook

ARF 2011 re:Think Conference, Connect the Dots and Tell a Story

ARF 2011 re:Think Conference, Connect the Dots and Tell a Story

I just returned from the ARF 2011 re:Think Conference and what I remember best are the anecdotes and stories, and the message that the market research...

Diane Liebenson

Diane Liebenson

Consultant at Liebenson Group

Lead up to the IIR TDMR: Interview with Greg Heist of Gongos Research
Research Technology (ResTech)

Lead up to the IIR TDMR: Interview with Greg Heist of Gongos Research

For our latest interview with presenters at the upcoming IIR Technology Driven Market Research event the IIR and GreenBook bring you an interview with...

Leonard Murphy

Leonard Murphy

Chief Advisor for Insights and Development at Greenbook

Lead Up To The IIR TDMR Interview With Tom H. C. Anderson, CEO of Anderson Analytics
CEO Series

Lead Up To The IIR TDMR Interview With Tom H. C. Anderson, CEO of Anderson Analytics

In the fifth installment of our series of interviews with presenters at the IIR Technology Driven Market Research event, I go head to head with renown...

Leonard Murphy

Leonard Murphy

Chief Advisor for Insights and Development at Greenbook

Online Conversations – Sense or Nonsense? What Do We Need To Know To Get It Right?

Online Conversations – Sense or Nonsense? What Do We Need To Know To Get It Right?

by Di Tunney & Rachel Francis for Merlien Institute Gathering customer insights from social media communities is rapidly becoming a viable alternative...

Merlien Institute

Merlien Institute

Sentient’s 2011 Marketing Trends And Economic Predictions

Sentient’s 2011 Marketing Trends And Economic Predictions

By Aaron Reid PhD in Advanced Research Methods Sentient Decision Science has predicted the 2011 trends that will continue to transform the research in...

Sentient Insight

Sentient Insight

TMRE 2010: Morning of Metrics (With Feeling!)

TMRE 2010: Morning of Metrics (With Feeling!)

By Bill Weylock, Action Insights The morning presentations were just terrific, as I’m sure you’ve seen in tweets over the past few hours. I had to mis...

Bill Weylock

Bill Weylock

Ubercool (TMRE Part 8)

Ubercool (TMRE Part 8)

by Robert Moran, Strategy One Last night’s keynote address was given by Michael Tchong of Ubercool, Inc. As one might expect, the speech was heavily f...

Robert Moran

Robert Moran

MROC Tip (TMRE post #5) & “Insight” (TMRE part #6)
Research Technology (ResTech)

MROC Tip (TMRE post #5) & “Insight” (TMRE part #6)

by Robert Moran, Strategy OneTMRE Post #5: Dawn Lacallade at ComBlu gives those venturing into the insights community (MROC) space a helpful tip. Inst...

Robert Moran

Robert Moran

TMRE 2010: Monday Morning Social Media for Breakfast
Research Technology (ResTech)

TMRE 2010: Monday Morning Social Media for Breakfast

This is a little bit like a print firehose because the content was so rich and my fingers are so slow. The overall impression was, as in past Research...

Bill Weylock

Bill Weylock



The ‘60’s expression “Power to the People” might serve as the heart and inspiration of Crowdsourcing. Yet it is as disruptive and frightening to middl...

Kevin Lonnie

Kevin Lonnie

Founder & CEO at KL Communications Inc

Privacy Fondly Remembered

Privacy Fondly Remembered

Meandering around my hard drive the other day, I ran across a position paper issued by the Research Industry Coalition in 1993, “Safeguarding Responde...

Bill Weylock

Bill Weylock

Connecting The Dots…

Connecting The Dots…

So much of the work we do in market research is connecting dots. We take data points (our dots) and develop a coherent picture by tying them together ...

Leonard Murphy

Leonard Murphy

Chief Advisor for Insights and Development at Greenbook

The MR Manifesto: A Call to Action
Research Technology (ResTech)

The MR Manifesto: A Call to Action

Jeff Henning referenced the David Bowie song “Changes” in his recent post re-capping the AMAMRC, and nothing could have been more appropriate: Ch-ch-c...

Leonard Murphy

Leonard Murphy

Chief Advisor for Insights and Development at Greenbook

The AMA MRC, Innovative Offerings, MR News & Researchvibes

The AMA MRC, Innovative Offerings, MR News & Researchvibes

Wow, what  a week! The AMA MRC was jam packed with great presentations, speakers, exhibitors, and attendees. It’s amazing how social networking has im...

Leonard Murphy

Leonard Murphy

Chief Advisor for Insights and Development at Greenbook

Sample, Social Media & Emerging Techniques, Oh My!
Research Technology (ResTech)

Sample, Social Media & Emerging Techniques, Oh My!

It’s been one of those weeks when a lot has been happening, both in my little corner of the research world and in the broader industry. All of the act...

Leonard Murphy

Leonard Murphy

Chief Advisor for Insights and Development at Greenbook

Now With More Coverage! New and Improved Ways to Win the CPG Consumer

Now With More Coverage! New and Improved Ways to Win the CPG Consumer

Here is another reason why marketers should think twice about their media basket: Turns out the new-and-improved channel for receiving household produ...



Guest blogger at COLLOQUY

Checking In On Location-based Services
Research Technology (ResTech)

Checking In On Location-based Services

I swear we’re not turning into a mobile MR blog! The response to our series of posts on mobile market research has been so high that we decided to wra...

Leonard Murphy

Leonard Murphy

Chief Advisor for Insights and Development at Greenbook

Is Mobile The “5th Methodology”? The Market Speaks…
Research Technology (ResTech)

Is Mobile The “5th Methodology”? The Market Speaks…

It’s must be Mobile Friday! On the heels of the post by Navin Williams earlier today, here is more on the topic of mobile research. We’ve written a lo...

Leonard Murphy

Leonard Murphy

Chief Advisor for Insights and Development at Greenbook

Caution: Influencers At Work

Caution: Influencers At Work

Social media and the rise of easy access to dissemination channels for Influencers really is having a profound impact on most every aspect of our live...

Leonard Murphy

Leonard Murphy

Chief Advisor for Insights and Development at Greenbook