Archive: linkedin

115 Must-Know Facts About Social Media

115 Must-Know Facts About Social Media

115 facts that explain how social media is becoming an integral part of people’s life and business

Skilled null


Mastering The Art Of The Professional Self
Research Technology (ResTech)

Mastering The Art Of The Professional Self

With the interplay of digital and a challenging economic environment where competition for clients and jobs is rife, it is now more important than eve...

Samantha Bond

Samantha Bond

Scurrilous Scalawags and Other Alliterative Miscreants

Scurrilous Scalawags and Other Alliterative Miscreants

It turns out that not all trade associations are what we may think they are – fighters for truth, justice, etc. Some exist for the benefit of its memb...

Steve Needel,

Steve Needel,

From Sentiment Analysis to Enterprise Applications
Research Methodologies

From Sentiment Analysis to Enterprise Applications

If your perception of sentiment analysis was shaped by Twitter-sentiment toys, it’s time for a relook.

Seth Grimes

Seth Grimes

Esomar 3D and the Fourth Digital Dimension
Focus Groups

Esomar 3D and the Fourth Digital Dimension

Not only is engaging with fellow market researchers on twitter fun – it can also be a rewarding and learning experience. While I agree with Reg Baker’...

Dan Kvistbo

Dan Kvistbo

Director - Research & Development at Norstat

EFM Past & Future, Innovation & Star Trek: An Interview With Jeffrey Henning
CEO Series

EFM Past & Future, Innovation & Star Trek: An Interview With Jeffrey Henning

Wrapping up my “newsmaker” interview series is a discussion with Jeffrey Henning, CMO of Affinnova. Jeffrey made news a while back when he left Vovici...

Leonard Murphy

Leonard Murphy

Chief Advisor for Insights and Development at Greenbook

The Game Mechanics of Social Media
Research Technology (ResTech)

The Game Mechanics of Social Media

Comparing the game play mechanics embedded into Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn to work out which was the best game.

Jon Puleston

Jon Puleston

Vice President - Innovation at Lightspeed Research

Lead Up To The IIR TDMR Interview With Tom H. C. Anderson, CEO of Anderson Analytics
CEO Series

Lead Up To The IIR TDMR Interview With Tom H. C. Anderson, CEO of Anderson Analytics

In the fifth installment of our series of interviews with presenters at the IIR Technology Driven Market Research event, I go head to head with renown...

Leonard Murphy

Leonard Murphy

Chief Advisor for Insights and Development at Greenbook

The Need For A Grassroots Voice For The Market Research Industry
Insights Industry News

The Need For A Grassroots Voice For The Market Research Industry

Tom Anderson, a pioneer in harnessing the power of social media for research, is passionate about our industry, and he raises a good point in his rece...

Leonard Murphy

Leonard Murphy

Chief Advisor for Insights and Development at Greenbook

The Times, They Are A Changin’

The Times, They Are A Changin’

Transforming the research industry and charting a course for he future has reached critical mass in the global industry online conversation.

Leonard Murphy

Leonard Murphy

Chief Advisor for Insights and Development at Greenbook

The Future of Research: Some Intriguing New Perspectives

The Future of Research: Some Intriguing New Perspectives

The future of research will one in which companies that are strategic partners “make it”.

Leonard Murphy

Leonard Murphy

Chief Advisor for Insights and Development at Greenbook