Archive: facebook

Iteration is Invisible
Insights Industry News

Iteration is Invisible

It takes a lot of iterations, both private and public, to get a product to its current state.

Nis Frome

Nis Frome

Co-Founder & VP of Product at Feedback Loop

The State of the Union: Privacy Laws’ Impact on the Sample Industry

The State of the Union: Privacy Laws’ Impact on the Sample Industry

A reflection on the current state of data privacy laws.


ThinkNow Team

at ThinkNow

Top 5 things Learned by Applying Biometrics
Hamish Asser

Hamish Asser

Director of Brand & Comms Research at Populus

Is Gen Z Fearful of the Increasingly Digital Age?
Research Technology (ResTech)

Is Gen Z Fearful of the Increasingly Digital Age?

A study of Gen Z, gathering data on opinions, attitudes and habits.

Emily Coughlin

Emily Coughlin

Senior Marketing Manager at KnowledgeHound

GRIT Business & Innovation Sneak Peek: Top 25 Most Innovative Client Companies

GRIT Business & Innovation Sneak Peek: Top 25 Most Innovative Client Companies

An exclusive sneak peek into the upcoming Business & Innovation edition of the GRIT Report, previously the Q1-Q2 edition.

Ray Poynter

Ray Poynter

Managing Director at The Future Place

Three Trends Changing Market Research, Forever

Three Trends Changing Market Research, Forever

How the digital transformation in personal data is reshaping the insights industry

Rado Raykov

Rado Raykov

When Worlds Collide
CEO Series

When Worlds Collide

Breakdown of the Facebook-Cambridge Analytica controversy & why the MR industry needs a new framework for the use of personal data

Nelson Whipple

Nelson Whipple

Facebook Tests Cross-Platform Performance of Mobile-First Videos

Facebook Tests Cross-Platform Performance of Mobile-First Videos

Macromill case study on mobile video ad testing for Facebook and Instagram

Scott Ernst

Scott Ernst

The Rise of the Personal Data Economy

The Rise of the Personal Data Economy

Three insights into the rise of the personal data economy.

Tuomas Syrjänen

Tuomas Syrjänen

Complicated vs. Complex

Complicated vs. Complex

The world exists in a complex system, with everything in a constant state of change and demands hard work.

Ruben Alcaraz

Ruben Alcaraz

The 3 Surprising Marketing Trends Businesses Should Own in 2017

The 3 Surprising Marketing Trends Businesses Should Own in 2017

Ben Kaplan looks at three trends in marketing that companies should include in their plans for 2017.

Ben Kaplan

Ben Kaplan

115 Must-Know Facts About Social Media

115 Must-Know Facts About Social Media

115 facts that explain how social media is becoming an integral part of people’s life and business

Skilled null


It’s Time For Facebook To Assume Responsibility
Brand Strategy

It’s Time For Facebook To Assume Responsibility

Mistakes happen. Miscalculations happen. Life happens. They happen less when there is a structured independent audit enforced and in place.

Doron Wesly

Doron Wesly

Why You Should NOT Follow Procter’s Latest Marketing Advice
CEO Series

Why You Should NOT Follow Procter’s Latest Marketing Advice

Marketing is transforming from top down to bottom up and you need to embrace it, not run away.

Joel Rubinson

Joel Rubinson

President at Rubinson Partners Inc

Surveys Are Still In Vogue For The Tech Giants

Surveys Are Still In Vogue For The Tech Giants

If surveys are in decline for a bunch of market researchers, it seems it is not the truth for the tech giants.

Adriana Rocha

Adriana Rocha

Founder & Chief Executive Officer at eCGlobal

Facebook’s Topic Data Offers Marketers Access To What Users Are Saying About Brands
CEO Series

Facebook’s Topic Data Offers Marketers Access To What Users Are Saying About Brands

Topic Data, a product/service from Facebook, allows marketers to see what users are saying about brands, products, events and activities.

Douglas Pruden

Douglas Pruden

Principal at Customer Experience Partners LLC

The Upside to the Facebook and OkCupid Experiments
Research Methodologies

The Upside to the Facebook and OkCupid Experiments

Ethical concerns with big data analytics are outweighed by enthusiasm for greater insights and optimism for potential new discoveries.

Allan Fromen

Allan Fromen

Friday Rewind: Google, Twitter & Facebook… Oh My!
Insights Industry News

Friday Rewind: Google, Twitter & Facebook… Oh My!

The industry is changing very fast indeed now, and the need to adapt to the new world we find ourselves is more important now than ever.

Leonard Murphy

Leonard Murphy

Chief Advisor for Insights and Development at Greenbook

Facebook’s Experiment On Emotional Triggers
CEO Series

Facebook’s Experiment On Emotional Triggers

Potentially raising issues of Privacy, Corporate Social Responsibility, Ethics, and Doing No Harm. How might the backlash impact MR?

Melanie Courtright

Melanie Courtright

The ARF Captures Our Marketing And Research Industry Journey

The ARF Captures Our Marketing And Research Industry Journey

Part one of a two part blog series on learnings from ARF Rethink 2014. Part two will be on “Big data, big research possibilities”.

Joel Rubinson

Joel Rubinson

President at Rubinson Partners Inc

New Y&R Study Explores The Hidden Side of Brands
Brand Strategy

New Y&R Study Explores The Hidden Side of Brands

Are some iconic brands actually less popular than we think? According to a new study from Y&R, the answer may well be yes.

Leonard Murphy

Leonard Murphy

Chief Advisor for Insights and Development at Greenbook

#ARFAM8 : Award Winning paper: What Drives Successful Telco Digital Marketing ROI on Facebook?
Consumer Behavior

#ARFAM8 : Award Winning paper: What Drives Successful Telco Digital Marketing ROI on Facebook?

Sean Bruich and Ruth Krichelo from Facebook brought a supplier perspective of how Facebook used ‘Big Data’ to help its advertisers come closer to the ...

David Brudenell

David Brudenell

Managing Director at Eclipx Group

Social Media Week Big Take-Away: Context

Social Media Week Big Take-Away: Context

After this Social Media Week 2013, I’m walking away with a sense of the growing importance of context not only as a researcher but as a marketer.

Kate Davids

Kate Davids

Marketing Intelligence Strategy Manager at First Republic Bank

Lucky Thirteen: 13 Marketing & Branding Trends

Lucky Thirteen: 13 Marketing & Branding Trends

The number 13 holds great symbolism. Brand Keys’ validated, predictive loyalty and engagement metrics have identified 13 critical trends.

Robert Passikoff,

Robert Passikoff,

Founder & President at Brand Keys Inc

A Blizzard Of Insights At The Sentiment Symposium

A Blizzard Of Insights At The Sentiment Symposium

Last week’s Sentiment Analysis Symposium packed an astonishing amount of high quality content from top flight presenters into a single day.

Bill Weylock

Bill Weylock

Jeffrey Henning’s #MRX Top 10: All Atwitter About Twitter Surveys

Jeffrey Henning’s #MRX Top 10: All Atwitter About Twitter Surveys

Of the 1,910 unique links shared by the #MRX community in the past two weeks, here are 10 of the most retweeted.

Leonard Murphy

Leonard Murphy

Chief Advisor for Insights and Development at Greenbook

How Market Researchers Can Avoid The Fate of Tower Records,
Borders and Kodak.

How Market Researchers Can Avoid The Fate of Tower Records, Borders and Kodak.

If you’re in the market research industry, the lesson is be careful –because while you might feel safe and secure at the moment, things can change dra...

David Rabjohns

David Rabjohns

Founder at LRWMotiveQuest

Fresh Voices: Twitter Buzzwords Are Insights Buzzkill

Fresh Voices: Twitter Buzzwords Are Insights Buzzkill

We’re all guilty of using buzzword adjectives to describe our insights. We’re trying to to be expressive in the fewest possible words, after all. But ...

Kate Davids

Kate Davids

Marketing Intelligence Strategy Manager at First Republic Bank

Lessons from Frito-Lay’s Facebook Co-Creation by David Bauer
Research Methodologies

Lessons from Frito-Lay’s Facebook Co-Creation by David Bauer

Social programs such as Frito-Lay’s Do Us A Flavor Facebook contest, can be a valuable way to both gather insights and to market the brand.

Leonard Murphy

Leonard Murphy

Chief Advisor for Insights and Development at Greenbook

Jeffrey Hennings’s #MRX Top Ten – The Want Button: Client-side Tweeters, Quality Surveys & Researcher/Consultants Wanted

Jeffrey Hennings’s #MRX Top Ten – The Want Button: Client-side Tweeters, Quality Surveys & Researcher/Consultants Wanted

Of the 1,500 unique links shared on #MRX last week, here are 10 of the most retweeted.

Leonard Murphy

Leonard Murphy

Chief Advisor for Insights and Development at Greenbook

3 Lessons for Market Research Project Managers From the Facebook IPO
Insights Industry News

3 Lessons for Market Research Project Managers From the Facebook IPO

Effective leaders, whether of newly public companies or of market research projects, need to follow some common sense best practices.

Kathryn Korostoff

Kathryn Korostoff

President at Research Rockstar

What Facebook’s Instagram Acquisition Means for the Market Research Industry
Brand Strategy

What Facebook’s Instagram Acquisition Means for the Market Research Industry

The future belongs to the innovative market research companies that can figure out how to accurately measure digital, mobile and social.

Allan Fromen

Allan Fromen

More Thoughts On PMRG 2012 Conference: Get On Board The Innovation Train Or Get Left behind

More Thoughts On PMRG 2012 Conference: Get On Board The Innovation Train Or Get Left behind

I left the PMRG meeting energized and hopeful about the future of our industry. A lot of very smart people are thinking about, developing, and measuri...

Diane Hayes

Diane Hayes

Co Founder & President at InCrowd

Will Social Media Kill MR?

Will Social Media Kill MR?

Marketing departments are now having two-way dialogues directly with their customers, enabled by social technology, which is putting the proverbial MR...

Ben Leet

Ben Leet

General Manager UK at YouGov

What Happens In Vegas Is Captured (And Sold) By Facebook
Healthcare, Medical, and Pharma Market Research

What Happens In Vegas Is Captured (And Sold) By Facebook

How many times have you typed your name, interests, gender and a raft of other information into a form for a service on the web?

David Brudenell

David Brudenell

Managing Director at Eclipx Group

Social Media – Ignoring the Possibilities
Brand Strategy

Social Media – Ignoring the Possibilities

A question? How are you tracking your social media P&L? Do you even have one? Are you wondering what I am talking about? The answer is this: the socia...

Malcolm De

Malcolm De

EFM Past & Future, Innovation & Star Trek: An Interview With Jeffrey Henning
CEO Series

EFM Past & Future, Innovation & Star Trek: An Interview With Jeffrey Henning

Wrapping up my “newsmaker” interview series is a discussion with Jeffrey Henning, CMO of Affinnova. Jeffrey made news a while back when he left Vovici...

Leonard Murphy

Leonard Murphy

Chief Advisor for Insights and Development at Greenbook

The Game Mechanics of Social Media
Research Technology (ResTech)

The Game Mechanics of Social Media

Comparing the game play mechanics embedded into Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn to work out which was the best game.

Jon Puleston

Jon Puleston

Vice President - Innovation at Lightspeed Research

Everything You Need to Know About Social Networks…
Brand Strategy

Everything You Need to Know About Social Networks…

An infographic from Tech King that underlines the point that market research simply cannot avoid embracing social media.

Leonard Murphy

Leonard Murphy

Chief Advisor for Insights and Development at Greenbook

TMRE 2010: Monday Morning Social Media for Breakfast
Research Technology (ResTech)

TMRE 2010: Monday Morning Social Media for Breakfast

This is a little bit like a print firehose because the content was so rich and my fingers are so slow. The overall impression was, as in past Research...

Bill Weylock

Bill Weylock

Social Media By The Numbers
The Respondent Experience

Social Media By The Numbers

It’s time for the MR industry to create innovative tools to meet the data-driven insights needs of our clients. Otherwise, the trend of losing market ...

Leonard Murphy

Leonard Murphy

Chief Advisor for Insights and Development at Greenbook