Archive: decision making

Insights from Psychology: Implicit Vocabulary

Insights from Psychology: Implicit Vocabulary

System 1. System 2. Implicit. Explicit. Attitudes. Decisions. These words are all the buzz in the market research industry as theories of the mind fro...

Julia Maier,

Julia Maier,

Xpert Solutions Product Manager at Aytm

What is Behavioral Science & Why Should You Care?
Research Methodologies

What is Behavioral Science & Why Should You Care?

The Science of Design, a methodology rooted in Behavioral Science.

Shirin Oreizy

Shirin Oreizy

Founder & CEO at Next Step

Idea Meritocracy & Its Implications for Market Research
Research Technology (ResTech)

Idea Meritocracy & Its Implications for Market Research

Find out how AI and automation can help solve the big “Why” questions for with “Idea Meritocracy” and algorithmic decision making.

Kevin Lonnie

Kevin Lonnie

Founder & CEO at KL Communications Inc

The Psychology Of The Grocery Store
Consumer Behavior

The Psychology Of The Grocery Store

How food corporations are leveraging psychology to get millennials and shoppers to purchase more at the store.

Leonard Murphy

Leonard Murphy

Chief Advisor for Insights and Development at Greenbook

Why Do Companies Buy Cheap Market Research?
Insights Industry News

Why Do Companies Buy Cheap Market Research?

Cheapness of data is missing the point. The issue is value or perceived value of the impact of the insights generated in most cases.

Neal Cole

Neal Cole