December 23, 2020

The Most Popular Insights and Market Research Blog Articles of the Year

Our Top 10, plus some bonus content. Have you read them all?

The Most Popular Insights and Market Research Blog Articles of the Year
Leonard Murphy

by Leonard Murphy

Chief Advisor for Insights and Development at Greenbook

Some themes stayed the same this year, with articles on data quality, behavioral science, and AI making the list. But as the world changed in the pandemic, a different focus emerged in 2020. COVID and its impacts both on customers and the MR industry captured our attention. We also looked for leadership in a crisis and new skills to become better market researchers. There was a renewed focus on humanity and empathy, seen in interviews with new and established leaders. And we were also challenged to better understand our cultural diversity and society.

We expect many of these new themes to continue into 2021, with a few more surprises sure to emerge. And as always, the GreenBook Blog will be home to the leading thinkers in the insights industry.

GreenBook’s Top Blog Articles From 2020



  1. Implications of COVID-19 For The Insights & Analytics Industry

COVID-19 has major implications for businesses everywhere and in turn the insights industry. Here are 3 tips to keep your insights organization running smoothly during the health crisis. Read the full article.


COVID-19 had a huge impact on the world. Click here for more articles on how COVID had changed MRX.


  1. Still More Dirty Little Secrets of Online Panels

You’re probably not doing enough to ensure fraudulent and disengaged respondents are eliminated from your online panel studies – and it’s heavily impacting your data. How heavily? Nearly half of it is complete trash. Read the full article.


  1. Conducting Research in Times of Crisis

Everything is up in the air as COVID-19 has placed a pause on life for many both in life and business. Here are 2 solutions to handling researching the pandemic. Read the full article.


  1. The Near and Long Term Implications of COVID-19 for the MR Industry

The implications of COVID-19 on the insights industry are beyond purely economic. How market researchers conduct business is set to change, as remote working forces organizations to take reconsider internal operations. Read the full article.



  1. COVID-19 Insights Leaders Roundtable: Edition 1

In this inaugural Roundtable, our expert panelists discuss the changes in the insights industry as a result of the COVID-19 crisis, and how businesses and individual leaders are adapting. You can listen to the conversation, read the summary, or review the full transcript. Read the full article.


  1. 5 Reasons Why it’s Time to Voice-Enable Your Surveys

Voice technology is rapidly transforming the way that we interact with our devices, changing the way consumers search for and purchase products. The time is right to explore, experiment, and test the power of voice technology to enrich your market research. Read more here.




MRX Predictions for 2021 From Insights Industry Leaders


  1. Accelerating Innovation Adoption with Behavioral Economics

Most innovation research focuses on understanding “why we adopt”, leading to marketing product benefits, and uninspiring results. Achieving innovation breakthroughs rests on overcoming consumers’ resistance to change. Learn the 3 factors to accelerate adoption success. Read more here.


  1. Disruption in Marketing Research: Why Full-Service Agencies are Under Threat, and How They Need to Respond

The Market Research Industry is subject to some major changes, as many move to DIY options outside of Full-Service Agencies. Exploring the potential of digitization and key industry trends is crucial to keep up. Read the full article.


  1. COVID-19 Insights: 7 Key Takeaways on Consumer Attitude and Future Behaviour

COVID-19 shows no signs of slowing down, and as the scientists are battling with time to develop a vaccine, the world has no choice but to adapt to the new, uncertain reality and hope for the best. Read the full article


  1. Understanding Cultural Insights: The New Next Consumer Battleground

Today’s marketers can’t just target a segment based on superficial data. Roben Allong explains why micro-culturalism is the secret weapon you need to understand changing consumer behaviors and achieve business objectives… Read the full article



photo by Frank Vessia for Unsplash


  1. Monthly Dose of Design: Idea Generation For Market Researchers

In this Monthly Dose of Design, learn about the Development phase of Design Thinking with 3 fun techniques for idea generation. Read the full article.



The GRIT Future List Spotlight Articles

An honorary mention goes to our GRIT Future List Spotlight series. We launched the blog series this year, allowing 15 of the Future List Honorees to share their thoughts on the insights industry,  what it takes to be an effective leader, why they love what they do, and what the next generation of market research professionals needs to know to succeed.

The series proved to be so popular, we couldn’t stand to pick just one for this end of the year summary. You can read the GRIT Future List Spotlight series in full here while we work with the 2020 Future List Honorees to continue the series.


A Curated Collection of Our Read Articles: Updated for 2020

  1. GRIT Report: Top Challenges in the Market Research Industry

Suppliers want to deliver on the needs of buyers, but the latest edition of the GRIT Business & Innovation Report shows they don’t know what those are. These are the biggest areas of disconnect between what Buyers say they need and what Suppliers think Buyers need. Read the full article.


  1. The Big 5 Personality Model: How to Use the Trait Theory of Personality in Consumer Behavior

Make your advertising and marketing more effective by using the five key attributes of a consumer’s personality (trait theories of personality) in consumer behavior market research. Read the full article.


  1. All The Reasons Your Surveys Cannot Be Trusted

“Are surveys reliable?” The popularity of neuroscience, psychology, sociology, and data science calls into question the efficacy of tools used in the past to deliver insight into human decision making. 


  1. Observational Data Has Problems. Are Researchers Aware of Them?

Observational data is a tempting shortcut for insights. But researchers must consider the problems with observational research. Read the full article.


  1. Career Advice to Becoming a Great Market Research Analyst

We might be biased, but we think being a market research analyst is pretty great. Find out how to become a market research analyst. Read the full article.




market research industry trends


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Alicia Claremont

May 30, 2024

This article was great as it helped answer some of the key questions I had about surveys. It provided clear insights into the benefits of using a B2B panel for market research and how it can be a cost-effective and efficient solution. Thank you for the valuable information!

Kajal Dongare

Kajal Dongare

May 9, 2024

Nice post.


The views, opinions, data, and methodologies expressed above are those of the contributor(s) and do not necessarily reflect or represent the official policies, positions, or beliefs of Greenbook.

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