
Golden Valley, Minnesota

Data Collection

Ongoing customer experience measurement: real-time voice of the customer programs | customer satisfaction surveys | competitive benchmarking


(952) 941-6580

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Vocal Laboratories Inc. (Vocalabs) specializes in building effective customer feedback programs designed to measurably improve the customer experience. We use a combination of immediate live interviews, automated customer surveys, and panel research to collect customer feedback tailored to each client's business goals. Our reporting tools serve the entire client organization, from executives to front-line customer service, and our unique expertise ensures ongoing improvement. Our customers include Fortune 1000 companies, telecommunications carriers, industry consultants and equipment vendors.


Mailing address

8421 Wayzata Boulevard

Suite 260

Golden Valley, Minnesota,
United States of America


Metro: Minneapolis--St. Paul (MN--WI)

View on map

International capabilities

United States of America

Industry affiliations

AMA (United States)