Seattle, Washington
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Forsta powers the most comprehensive set of research and insights, spanning CX, enterprise feedback, VoC, VoE, Qual, Quant and data visualizations.
Why choose Forsta
Multi Source Experience
Proven Quant Research
Strong Qual Ethnography
Data Visualizations
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Displayr is the complete AI-powered data workspace built for for market researchers.
Why choose Displayr
Connect all data easily
AI enhanced analysis
Built-in expertise
Automate drudge work
Work together seamlessly
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Harmoni by Infotools is a data-agnostic insight discovery tool that gives MR teams space to think and see patterns in complex data that others can’t.
Why choose Infotools | Harmoni
Combine data sources
Investigate data quickly
Quality insight reporting
Fantastic 24hr support
34+ years MR experience
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