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Honesdale, Pennsylvania

Panels / Communities

Software & Technology

Improve your market research with AI-powered synthetic respondents for real-time insights and a deeper connection with your target market segments.

Why choose PersonaPanels


Real-time Insights

Mirrors Real-World

Reliable, Cost Effective

Forward-Thinking Insights


(570) 468-2772


Both Heartbeat by PersonaPanels and Living Segmentation equip you with the tools to stay ahead, offering insightful ways to monitor market trends and refine product and messaging strategies.

Heartbeat by PersonaPanels: This service is ideal for quick and affordable insights into broad U.S. generational segments. Utilizing a collaboration with Relative Insight, Heartbeat by PersonaPanels provides easy-to-understand trend graphs and broad overviews of population groups ranging from Generation Z to Baby Boomers.

Living Segmentation: Tailored for a more nuanced understanding of specific target markets, this service offers customized Synthetic Respondents based on your segmentation data.

As PersonaPanels looks towards the future, we remain steadfast in our commitment to ethically revolutionize market research.

By integrating human-derived data with advanced AI, we not only ensure that your decisions are informed by real human experience but also that they are visionary and forward-thinking.

Join us on this journey as we redefine the essence of market understanding and transform the way you connect with key audiences.


International capabilities

United States of America

Key personnel

Patrick Gorman