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Chicago, Illinois
Why choose Numerator
Panel Data Analysis
Omnichannel Share Data
Verified Buyer Surveys
Advertising Intelligence
Promotions Intelligence
Numerator provides modern market intelligence for more growth. The company equips brands and retailers with detailed data on marketing programs, including advertising, promotions and pricing, influencing the path to purchase. It also has deep insight into consumer purchasing across brands, regardless of distribution channel.
Path solutions help you gain visibility into the influences impacting purchase behaviors of your consumers.
Survey solutions help you understand consumers’ attitudes and opinions, and how these affect their decision to buy.
The Numerator OmniPanel widens the lens on the purchase actions taken by consumers both in-store and online.
Numerator TruView dissects the results of consumers’ actions to drive growth for your brand and business.
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Advertising Agencies [market sector expertise]
Alcoholic Beverages [market sector expertise]
Beverages [market sector expertise]
Cosmetics & Beauty Aids [market sector expertise]
e-Commerce [market sector expertise]
Electronics [market sector expertise]
Financial Industry [market sector expertise]
Foods & Nutrition [market sector expertise]
Gaming & Gamers [market sector expertise]
Healthcare & Medical [market sector expertise]
Household Products [market sector expertise]
Market Research Solutions for New Products