Leichliter Associates LLC

New York, New York

Qualitative Consultant

Custom qualitative and interactive research for new products, services, environments, and experiences. US, global, all methods. Open Minds Open Minds®


(212) 753-2099

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Custom qualitative and interactive research for new products, services, environments, and experiences. US, global, all methods (in-person, online, mobile) full service or a la carte. Custom training for planning, conducting, interpreting qualitative research and concept cultivation.


Mailing address

Box 788

FDR Station

New York, New York,
United States of America


Metro: New York (NY--NJ--CT)

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International capabilities

United States of America

Industry affiliations

ESOMAR (International)

QRCA (United States)



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Marketing research & communications consultancy led by moderator/creative facilitator with 20+ years experience and unique background in law & comedy

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Civicom Marketing Research Services

Civicom Marketing Research Services

Software & Technology

Focus Group Facility

Qualitative Research

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Civicom-CyberFacility & CCam for facilitating online & in-person IDIs & focus groups and Quillit an AI report-generating tool for qualitative research

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