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New Orleans, Louisiana
Why choose EmCee Research
Full-time recruiters only
Nationwide hosting
Quality recruits
Legal expertise
Highly responsive
Top-Tier Recruiting: Our recruiters are full-time and experienced in their respective regional markets. They know the populations they're reaching out to. We never use temps or outside contractors for recruiting. When you work with EmCee Research, you work with EmCee Research recruiters, period.
Southern Focus, National Reach: Our large, self-built, never-bought panel reaches out nationwide to cities big and small. Tricky recruit others turn down? That's our specialty.
In-Person Qualitative Absolutely Anywhere: Need to be on the ground in a city without a focus group facility? Just reach out, and we'll make it happen. Our in-house A/V and hosting team can go anywhere you can go. Whether it's Washington, DC, Morgantown, West Virginia, Santa Fe, New Mexico, or anywhere else across the country, we can show up and enable you to do in-person research no matter the availability of facilities.
Hands-On Recruiting Process: In the end, everything comes back to recruiting. We don't want your or our hard work to go to waste, so we engaged with every recruit a minimum of four times before any project. Nothing is automatic, we're putting in the hard work and speaking to recruits on the phone for screening and confirmation to keep no-show rates at a minimum and allow for easy replacements. Our clients rave about our participants because we care.
Wide Recruiting Reach: We recruit where others won't. We can recruit those smaller cities when no one else can. Our panel features the most representation in: New Mexico, Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Florida, South Carolina, North Carolina, Virginia, DC, Delaware, Maryland, West Virginia, Kentucky, Tennessee, Arkansas, Missouri, and Oklahoma.
International capabilities
Industry affiliations
Key personnel
Women-Owned Business
Explore Market Research Specialties, Industries, Markets and Business Issues covered by this company.
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Pop-Up Focus Groups
Focus Group Facilities
Focus Group Facilities - Non-Traditional
In-Depth (IDI) / One-on-One Moderating
In-Home & Door-to-Door Interviewing
In-Store Interviewing
Online Bulletin Boards
Online Diaries & Journaling
Online In-Depth & One-on-One Interviews
Online Qualitative Data Collection Methods
Online Quantitative Data Collection Methods
Online Research Panels
Online Surveys
On-Site Interviewing
Qualitative Market Research Services
Qualitative Services - Moderators