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Conifer Research

Chicago, Illinois

Full Service

Qualitative Research

Quantitative Research

Trusted ethnography and design research partner of Fortune 500 Insights, Innovation and Product teams. Creative approaches, world class insights.

Why choose Conifer Research

High Quality Deliverables

Quant, Qual & Design

Custom, Creative Approach

Mixed Methods

Behavioral Research


Conifer brings practical insight to companies that wish to change and innovate. Through an ethnographic approach to research, we help our clients understand the everyday lives and experiences of the people they hope to engage. Our research solutions are fully custom, human-centered and we deliver actionable, perspective-shifting insights.

Conifer has been leading global research, design and innovation programs for over 20 years. Our team is made up of experienced anthropologists, social scientists, strategists and information designers from all walks of life, which means that they tackle projects differently than traditional market researchers. We leverage a mix of qualitative and quantitative custom and creative methods to get the best possible data and empower users to open up and share. Our out-of-the-box approaches to research and design yield rich, sticky insights and high quality deliverables. Clients come to Conifer for many reasons, but with a common challenge: How do we better align business activities with the real lives and needs of customers?

Conifer is known for its world-class deliverables, our visual and video storytelling and framework development, and our inventive, custom research techniques.

Conifer's research programs are custom and can range from leading edge digital ethnography programs to more traditional market research and user research. We specialize in: ethnographic immersions, exploring culture & futures, exploring market shifts and behavior change, innovative & design research programs to fuel product innovation, mixed methods research (advanced quantitative and qualitative techniques) in-context IDIs, audience definition, segmentation development, product refinement/optimization research, concept evaluation, and co-creation. Conifer developed leading-edge creative techniques and frameworks at the intersections of behavioral science and innovation such as Deprivation & 5E Customer Journey Frameworks.


Mailing address

24 East Washington Street

Ste. 875

Chicago, Illinois,
United States of America


Metro: Chicago (IL--IN--WI)

View on map

International capabilities

United States of America, United Kingdom, Australia, Canada, China, India, Germany, Brazil, Colombia, Denmark, Ethiopia, France, Ghana, Indonesia, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Pakistan, Poland, Russia, Rwanda, Spain, Sweden, Thailand, Netherlands, United Arab Emirates

Industry affiliations

Insights Association (United States)

AMA (United States)

IIEX, EPIC, IIT Institute of Design, Insights Association, Women In Research

Key personnel

Ben Jacobson


(312) 212-1740

Evan Hanover

Director - Research

(312) 212-1740

HIPAA Compliant