CRC Research is the premier market research agency in Canada.
With 10 focus group rooms across our facilities in Toronto, Vancouver and Montreal, we are the largest supplier of facilities, bilingual recruitment and moderation, project management and qualitative research field services in Canada. We conduct sensory studies and usability tests across our network of facilities and work together with our partners to penetrate smaller markets throughout the country. Our healthcare, consumer and B2B capabilities are widely used by national and international consultancies who wish to conduct research in Canada.
Our facilities are thoughtfully configured and generously apportioned spaces featuring stylish amenities and dedicated focus group suites, each with its own respondent waiting room, viewing room and private client lounge. Designed with your versatile research needs in mind, CRC offers flexible room rental for focus groups, interviews, taste tests, usability studies, training sessions and workshops.
Following a rigorous certification process, Health Canada has awarded CRC Research with a Non-Therapeutic Research on Cannabis (NTRC) License. This licensing enables CRC to conduct a wide range of sensory evaluations of cannabis products at all 3 of our Canadian facilities. With our national panel of segmented cannabis consumers, CRC can meet all your cannabis marketing research needs, including virtual and in-person qualitative research, and the carefully controlled execution of onsite sensory tests. All onsite testing of cannabis is conducted in strict compliance with Health Canada’s stringent protocols.