Maximizing Revenue with Optimized Pricing Strategy

Presented by RSB Insights & Analytics


Leading alcohol beverage manufacturer was battling increased raw material costs and taxes.

RSB was approached to recommend a pricing strategy that could help the client increase prices while minimizing share loss across two key markets


Econometric Modeling:  using time series modeling, focus was on volume forecast and uncovering interactions across the brands

Conjoint Analysis: to measure brand price elasticities & estimate change in revenue & volumes with increased future prices

Volumes from the modeling were integrated with Conjoint to measure future price increase impact


Volume Prediction : Integrating conjoint findings with modeling output enabled predictive market shares & volumes calculations.

Increased revenue: RSB recommended pricing options leading to gains in both sales volume & revenue

Market level deployment of Pricing:  After alignment with the senior leadership team, the client executed recommended pricing strategy in 2023 leading to positive revenue impact.

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