Civicom to Lead MMRA Workshop on Mobile Quantitative Research Tools at MRMW Minneapolis

Presented by Civicom Marketing Research Services

The Mobile Marketing Research Association (MMRA) has chosen Civicom Marketing Research Services to lead a kick-off workshop preceding Market Research in the Mobile World (MRMW) North America 2013 in Minneapolis, July 16-18.

Greenwich, CT USA, July 9, 2013 - The Mobile Marketing Research Association (MMRA) has chosen Civicom Marketing Research Services to lead a kick-off workshop preceding Market Research in the Mobile World (MRMW) North America 2013 in Minneapolis, July 16-18. The workshop ‘Conducting Mobile Quant Projects Successfully’ will be led by Rebecca West, Civicom VP for Marketing Research Services, and Annie McDannald, Civicom Senior Account Manager and Project Advocate.
The buzz in marketing research today is all about mobile and therefore using mobile tools to quantify respondent insights has great appeal. But when is it right to use mobile technology to gather data? How is collecting quantifiable data different when using mobile tools? What constitutes a great mobile survey? When engaging in a mobile survey, what factors drive a successful outcome? What can a mobile survey tell you, and what can it not? What are the best situations for each type of mobile survey tool? Participants who attend ‘Conducting Mobile Quant Projects Successfully’ can look forward to gaining all-important insights on the use of mobile tools for market research studies.
Today information is being made available more and more through mobile platforms – smart phones, tablets, and other such devices. Because of their rapid development and the straightforward solutions offered by these gadgets, it comes as no surprise that market research professionals want to capitalize on the increasing popularity of the mobile medium in their bid to extract valuable data pertaining to a specific target market. Because the mobile infrastructure is already in place, market researchers can now move to the next step, which is to identify and use the correct mobile tools in order to initiate a study.
The Civicom-MMRA workshop will begin with an overview of mobile quantitative solutions, move on to a more insightful discussion about the difference between surveys taken through mobile internet and mobile apps, include an analysis of the relative value of various mobile survey features, review the barriers and other considerations when conducting mobile quant, and overview the differences between mobile quantitative vs. mobile qualitative solutions and applications. 
The workshop will explore these and other important issues in the design, execution, and outcomes of mobile surveys. This will include discussions on what affects the outcome of a mobile-based research project, the similarities and differences between mobile and conventional research tools, and when to use a specific mobile tool. These are some of the topics that ‘Conducting Mobile Quant Projects Successfully’ will tackle. To further enhance learning, the seminar will also feature a practical, hands-on activity where participants are given the chance to plan a sample client study incorporating use of mobile technology.
About Civicom
Civicom Marketing Research Services is a global leader in audio and web based marketing research technology. The company offers solutions for mobile qualitative and mobile quantitative research, as well as Civicom Chatterbox®, an online multimedia board.  Civicom is a gold sponsor of MRMW 2013.
About MMRA
The Mobile Marketing Research Association (MMRA) is a global organization that seeks to promote and enhance the standards of market research as applied to mobile platforms. Civicom is a corporate member of MMRA and is one of its founding members.
This content was provided byCivicom. Visit their website at

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