Super Bowl Ads more effective than ever.
Eye tracking surveys of Super Bowl advertisements
While Super Bowl ads do well on “likeability” and generating “buzz”, they didn’t fare as well on critical measures like “purchase intent”.
Some hard facts about what makes Super Bowls ads different from other TV ads and how to make yours generate buzz that builds your brand.
The success of a Super Bowl campaign must go beyond the immediate dazzle of the next day to longer-term impact on the overall brand persona.
There are many ways to judge the best of the Super Bowl commercials. These include party consensus, opinion leaders, and focus groups.
Big Data will have big implications moving forward for just about everything, including marketing.
I just talked to Vivek Bhaskaran, the Founder and CEO of SurveySwipe and he is offering his mobile community platform for free for the first 3 months ...
This Sunday, four leading market research agencies will conduct a real-time mobile ethnography study of Super Bowl watchers.