Archive: ResTech

Capitalize on Market Research's Tech-Forward Future
Research Technology (ResTech)

Capitalize on Market Research's Tech-Forward Future

Discover the latest innovations and technologies in the restech space amidst industry-wide slowdowns with our market research website.

John Bird

John Bird

Executive Vice President

Digital Snake Oil or Genuine AI? How to avoid AI-washing in Market Research
The Prompt

Digital Snake Oil or Genuine AI? How to avoid AI-washing in Market Research

Generative AI has made its grand entrance. Its implications are dominating the headlines in tech circles and beyond. The research industry has wasted ...

Alexandra Kuzmina

Alexandra Kuzmina

Innovation Consultant at Nova @ MMR

The “S” Word – Part 5: Pitch Perfection
Grow Your Insights Business

The “S” Word – Part 5: Pitch Perfection

Editor’s Note: As part of our ongoing series diving into the world of sales, part five explores how to create the perfect pitch. If you missed it, che...

Simon Arrowsmith

Simon Arrowsmith

Founder and Editor-in-Chief at Iambic Creative

The “S” Word – Part 1: Who’s afraid of the big bad “S”?
Grow Your Insights Business

The “S” Word – Part 1: Who’s afraid of the big bad “S”?

Editor’s Note: Ah, Sales, the aforementioned “S” word. In GreenBook’s mission to connect research users with service suppliers, we’ve seen first hand ...

Simon Arrowsmith

Simon Arrowsmith

Founder and Editor-in-Chief at Iambic Creative

ESOMAR Congress 2022 Recap: Optimism Offers a Path to Progress
Insights Industry News

ESOMAR Congress 2022 Recap: Optimism Offers a Path to Progress

“Never has there been a better time for things to go right.” That’s how ESOMAR President Kristin Luck welcomed attendees to the 75th anniversary ESOMA...

Peter Harris

Peter Harris

CEO at Advantage Group International

Let’s Get Real: There is No Silver Bullet for Cyberfraud
Lisa Wilding-Brown
Let’s Get Real: There is No Silver Bullet for Cyberfraud


Let’s Get Real: There is No Silver Bullet for Cyberfraud

Data quality is and will always be at the top of researchers’ minds in the insights industry. How in today’s ever-evolving climate can you trust that your data is reliable?…

By Lisa Wilding-Brown

Chief Executive Officer at InnovateMR

Why Emerging Methods Hold the Keys to Brand Success
Peter Hartzbech
Why Emerging Methods Hold the Keys to Brand Success


Why Emerging Methods Hold the Keys to Brand Success

Human behavior change has accelerated rapidly over the past two years, the COVID-19 pandemic forcing adaptation, rewiring brains, and forming new habits around everything from food and entertainment to shopping…

By Peter Hartzbech

CEO at iMotions