Archive: microsoft

Insights in the Cloud: Microsoft’s Barry Jennings on B2B Research and the Power of AI
Ashley Shedlock

Ashley Shedlock

Senior Content Coordinator at Greenbook

The 2019 GRIT ‘Top 50 Most Innovative Suppliers’ List

The 2019 GRIT ‘Top 50 Most Innovative Suppliers’ List

The heavily anticipated GRIT ‘Top 50 Most Innovative Suppliers’ list is here.

Leonard Murphy

Leonard Murphy

Chief Advisor for Insights and Development at Greenbook

IIeX North America – the SXSW of Market Research?
CEO Series

IIeX North America – the SXSW of Market Research?

Our biggest IIeX North America yet, and there’s still so much more to come.

Adriana Rocha

Adriana Rocha

Founder & Chief Executive Officer at eCGlobal

Microsoft & Voxpopme: Powering Successful Ad Campaigns with Agile Video Insights

Microsoft & Voxpopme: Powering Successful Ad Campaigns with Agile Video Insights

Voxpopme helped Microsoft identify personalities that would resonate with customers

Dave Carruthers

Dave Carruthers

Founder & CEO at Voxpopme

What Is Microsoft Up To With Their New Video Testing Offering?
CEO Series

What Is Microsoft Up To With Their New Video Testing Offering?

Video Pulse allows professionals of any kind to collect feedback on top of a recorded video flexibly, at scale, and on demand.

Leonard Murphy

Leonard Murphy

Chief Advisor for Insights and Development at Greenbook

Microsoft’’s Pulse Ushers In The Research Tech Integration Era
CEO Series

Microsoft’’s Pulse Ushers In The Research Tech Integration Era

Real-Time Customer Engagement, Research & Insights Service Now Integrates with Multiple Products Across Microsoft.

Leonard Murphy

Leonard Murphy

Chief Advisor for Insights and Development at Greenbook

Microsoft Aims To Disrupt Market Research: Pulse And What It Means For The Future
Research Technology (ResTech)

Microsoft Aims To Disrupt Market Research: Pulse And What It Means For The Future

Microsoft officially joined the research technology supplier industry with a potentially highly disruptive offering called Pulse for Market Research. ...

Leonard Murphy

Leonard Murphy

Chief Advisor for Insights and Development at Greenbook

#IIeX: Inspiration for Disruptive Innovation
Research Technology (ResTech)

#IIeX: Inspiration for Disruptive Innovation

Opening day 2 of IIeX, Imran Anwar of Microsoft gave a thoughtful analysis of disruptive innovation in the past, present and future.

Dana Stanley

Dana Stanley

Chief Revenue Officer at Greenbook

Transparency In How Technology Companies Approach Market Research

Transparency In How Technology Companies Approach Market Research

Transparency in how technology companies approach MR will be much less than you are accustomed to.

Jason Anderson

Jason Anderson

Owner at Datagame

Google Bowls a Googly

Google Bowls a Googly

So Google is a Phone manufacturer too. How does that change the game?

Navin Williams

Navin Williams

The Great Conjunction: What the e-Rewards and Microsoft Acquisitions Mean
Brand Strategy

The Great Conjunction: What the e-Rewards and Microsoft Acquisitions Mean

What the e-Rewards acquisition of Conversition Strategies and the Microsoft purchase of Skype mean for the market research industry.

Leonard Murphy

Leonard Murphy

Chief Advisor for Insights and Development at Greenbook

Nokia + Microsoft = RI + TNS? “Two Albatrosses Do Not A Dinosaur Make”

Nokia + Microsoft = RI + TNS? “Two Albatrosses Do Not A Dinosaur Make”

A lot has been written and debated about the Microsoft and Nokia alliance and that will continue for a while. It is still not clear who’s the stronger...

Navin Williams

Navin Williams

TMRE 2010: Evolve or Go Extinct

TMRE 2010: Evolve or Go Extinct

by Bill Weylock, Action Insights Reed Cundiff of Microsoft on the challenges of the MR professional at Microsoft today…. Let’s just say that his graph...

Bill Weylock

Bill Weylock