Archive: media

Playing the Fame Game: Getting PR Right for Market Researchers
Lucy Davison

Lucy Davison

Founder & CEO at Keen as Mustard Marketing

Tracing Shifts in Marketing and Advertising Trends Post-Pandemic

Tracing Shifts in Marketing and Advertising Trends Post-Pandemic

Do traditional marketing mediums still hold relevance as digitization?

Aditi Bhonsle

Aditi Bhonsle

Associate Vice-President – Research Services, India at Borderless Access

Comparing Twitter Commentary From the UK and US On Harry and Meghan’s Interview

Comparing Twitter Commentary From the UK and US On Harry and Meghan’s Interview

US and UK viewers had very different opinions on the Oprah interview.

Michaela Kilgallen

Michaela Kilgallen

Content Marketing Coordinator at Relative Insight

On Technology & Human Nature (And What It Means For Marketing Insights)
Insights Industry News

On Technology & Human Nature (And What It Means For Marketing Insights)

Figuring out the fundamental drivers of markets, and maintaining a focus on delivering those needs, is a cornerstone of marketing strategy.

Todd Powers

Todd Powers

The Future of Engaging with TV: Bravo Provides the Perfect Case Study
Research Technology (ResTech)

The Future of Engaging with TV: Bravo Provides the Perfect Case Study

A look at Bravo TV’s “Last Chance Kitchen” and what it tells us about what consumers want.

Rachel Dreyfus

Rachel Dreyfus

Interviewing The New ARF President: Changing Media Habits & Rules For Brand Building

Interviewing The New ARF President: Changing Media Habits & Rules For Brand Building

On June 10th and 11th, The ARF will hold its Audience Measurement conference in NYC. To fully grasp the Sea Change that we are facing and why this eve...

Joel Rubinson

Joel Rubinson

President at Rubinson Partners Inc

Information Assassination – How They’ll Simply Get the Research Wrong
Insights Industry News

Information Assassination – How They’ll Simply Get the Research Wrong

Non-researchers generally aren’t going to give the same attention to important details that researchers are.

Ron Sellers

Ron Sellers