Archive: forrester research

Predictions for 2013 Part 1: Reineke Reitsma of Forrester
CEO Series

Predictions for 2013 Part 1: Reineke Reitsma of Forrester

Part 2 of 2 as we answer questions following a webinar hosted by Research for Good on “Predictions for 2013.”

Leonard Murphy

Leonard Murphy

Chief Advisor for Insights and Development at Greenbook

Interview: Jill Chiara of Forrester on New Tools, New Strategies, & The Future of MR
CEO Series

Interview: Jill Chiara of Forrester on New Tools, New Strategies, & The Future of MR

An interview with Jill Chiara of Forrester on the key drivers of change and implications for the market research industry.

Leonard Murphy

Leonard Murphy

Chief Advisor for Insights and Development at Greenbook