Archive: ad testing

A/B Testing: Everything That Glitters Is Not Gold
LevelUP Your Research

A/B Testing: Everything That Glitters Is Not Gold

The variable often missing from ad effectiveness measurement surveys.

Joel Rubinson

Joel Rubinson

President at Rubinson Partners Inc

How IBM Leveraged “icanmakeitbetter” for Early Stage Ad Testing

How IBM Leveraged “icanmakeitbetter” for Early Stage Ad Testing

IBM’s always-on approach anticipates their customers’ evolving needs.

ISA Corp

ISA Corp

How to Boost the Efficiency of Facebook Lead Ads with the Right Images
Insights Industry News

How to Boost the Efficiency of Facebook Lead Ads with the Right Images

Choosing and creating the right images can help ensure the effectiveness of Facebook lead ads.

Eugine Dychko

Eugine Dychko

Marketing Manager at Crello

When Big Brands Take Social Stances: An In-Depth Analysis of Nike’s Colin Kaepernick Ad
Sasha Laferte

Sasha Laferte

Screenesthesia: The Silent Killer of Brands
Brand Strategy

Screenesthesia: The Silent Killer of Brands

The mismatch of content and screens is a much bigger problem than you think

Kevin Keane

Kevin Keane

Co Founder & Chief Executive Officer at Brainsights

Facebook Tests Cross-Platform Performance of Mobile-First Videos

Facebook Tests Cross-Platform Performance of Mobile-First Videos

Macromill case study on mobile video ad testing for Facebook and Instagram

Scott Ernst

Scott Ernst

JUST EAT Optimizes Advertising Through Quick Concept Testing

JUST EAT Optimizes Advertising Through Quick Concept Testing

Toluna utilized automated ad testing for a JUST EAT marketing campaign

Janice Caston

Janice Caston

SVP, Marketing at Toluna

The Fallacies of Facial Exploring Prophecy Feelings vs Facial Coding
Research Technology (ResTech)

The Fallacies of Facial Exploring Prophecy Feelings vs Facial Coding

Michael Sankey and Ph.D., Ken Roberts examine how effective facial coding is in predicting purchase behavior for ad testing.

Michael Sankey

Michael Sankey

New Paradigm for Advertising Effectiveness Research & Measurement
Research Methodologies

New Paradigm for Advertising Effectiveness Research & Measurement

Michael Wolfe explores the benefits offered by ABX, a new and refreshing paradigm for ad testing.

Michael Wolfe

Michael Wolfe

How To Conduct Online Qualitative Research To Test Ads
Research Methodologies

How To Conduct Online Qualitative Research To Test Ads

Qualitative research has long been used to inform advertising and communication strategies and to test ads before they are made public.

Paul Rubenstein,

Paul Rubenstein,

ZappiStore Wins The Insight Innovation Competition Phase 2!
CEO Series

ZappiStore Wins The Insight Innovation Competition Phase 2!

An interview with the Insight Innovation Competion winner, Stephen Phillips of ZappiStore.

Brian Tarran

Brian Tarran

Editor at Research Live

If Gamification is Great, Why Aren’t Game Companies Gamifying their Research?
CEO Series

If Gamification is Great, Why Aren’t Game Companies Gamifying their Research?

Creating compelling game experiences (and by corollary, creating compelling gamified research) requires more than just the mechanics of a game. After ...

Jason Anderson

Jason Anderson

Owner at Datagame