Insights Industry News

April 6, 2017

Growing the Industry by Funding More Research – Part Six

Collaborata highlights projects that are currently funding on their crowdsourcing platform.

Peter Zollo

by Peter Zollo

By Peter Zollo

Editor’s Note: Welcome to our next post featuring two insights projects currently offered on Collaborata, the market-research marketplace. GreenBook is happy to support a platform whose mission is to get more research funded. We believe in the idea of connecting clients and research providers to co-sponsor projects. We invite you to Collaborate!

Collaborata Featured Project #1:

“Pushing Past Stereotypes: Understanding the Plus-Size Woman and How to Better Connect with Her”

Purpose: Plus-size women are often misunderstood, underserved, and overlooked. Until now. This research will provide a rich understanding of the psyche and behaviors of this critical audience.

Pitch: Women’s clothing brands and retailers have a problem. Some 65% of American women are considered “plus size,” but this category represents only about 18% of apparel sales. Learn how to more resonantly connect to and deliver for this audience.

Deliverables: Detailed report to include qualitative and quantitative findings and an edited consumer video. As a sponsor, you’ll receive a special section of the full report tailored specifically to your brand. Fifty apparel brands and retailers will be measured and evaluated.

Who’s Behind This: Big Squirrel, a boutique research agency with an expertise in branding.

To watch a 60-second video on the study: click here

To purchase this study or for more info: click here or email [email protected]

Collaborata Featured Project #2:

“Politics and Purchase Power: Do People Really Put Their Money Where Their Party Is?”

Purpose: Americans are more aware (and vocal) than ever about companies’ political stances, but little is known about how such perceptions play out at a transactional level. In such a heated political climate, it’s critical for brands to understand how to navigate such potential pitfalls.

This study will gather insights into how, when, and why people’s political beliefs influence their purchase decisions, allowing brands to better understand if and when they are vulnerable, as well as where opportunities may exist.

Pitch: The 2016 election has taken pocketbook politicking to a new level, with anti-Trumpers launching “Grab Your Wallet” to protest such brands as L.L. Bean and New Balance, and the pro-Trump camp boycotting the likes of PepsiCo, Oreos and even the entire state of Hawaii.

This research will uncover how purchases are influenced by beliefs, demographics, and situations.

Deliverables: An insight-rich report that includes the PoliPower Index, which will measure political impact on category and brand purchase volume across political affiliation, demography, and geography.

Who’s Behind This: The Halverson Group, experts at uncovering and quantifying insights into people’s lives and the behaviors, beliefs, attitudes, situations, and cultures that influence their choices through the use of their proprietary Jobs to Be Won™ method.

To watch a 60-second video on the study: click here

To purchase this study or for more info: click here or email [email protected].



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