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WebMD/Medscape Market Research

New York, New York

Full Service

Qualitative Research

Quantitative Research

Physician ,Healthcare Professional, Patient and Caregiver recruitment and research solutions.

Why choose WebMD/Medscape Market Research

High quality physicians

Largest HCP sample

Broad knowledge of Health


(646) 856-3860


As part of the most trusted and recognized brand in healthcare, WebMD and Medscape Market Research provides physician, healthcare professional, patient and caregiver recruitment and research solutions that deliver high-quality results.

We provide the unique combination of the highest quality audience with the industry’s most advanced targeting capabilities. Through unmatched recruitment and targeting capabilities, we will help you find the research respondents you want when you need them.

How are we different?

- Largest, most engaged audience of patients and healthcare professionals

-Tap into the industry's largest network of high-prescribing and engaged clinicians and healthcare professionals.

-Conduct qual and quant research with patient and caregivers who are profiled on over 400 conditions


Mailing address

395 Hudson Street

3rd Floor

New York, New York,
United States of America


Metro: New York (NY--NJ--CT)

View on map

International capabilities

United States of America

Industry affiliations

Intellus (International)

ESOMAR (International)

AMA (United States)

QRCA (United States)

Insights Association (United States)

Key personnel

Audrey Rosen

Vice President, Market Research

(646) 856-3860

HIPAA Compliant