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Talking Heads [Studio]

Atlanta, Georgia

Focus Group Facility

Qualitative Research


Recruiting for UX research, in-person and online, project management, moderation, focus group facility, reporting. Smart. Creative. Responsive.


(404) 229-3299


Talking Heads Studio is comprised of a team with over 20 years of combined client and field management experience; we know what it takes to recruit and field the most complicated projects, anticipating potential problems and finding quick, creative solutions. We’re solution seekers and the best at what we do, ensuring that your project is seamless and successful. Experienced in online and in-person Qual. Our team has a longstanding history of delivering outstanding recruiting, interviewing, and project management for all methodologies. We specialize in Consumer, ITDMs, BDMs, B2B, Financial Service Professionals Physicians, Affluent.

We take a proactive approach to all projects and are unmatched in our ability to deliver insight and service to our clients. We help our clients solve business problems providing the target audience needed to ensure successful insights. Capabilities: recruitment, facility rental, moderation, reporting, on-site coordination and project management for all qualitative market research methodologies, including: Remote and In-person Usability testing (website, mobile device, tablet) Online Qualitative Platforms Traditional Focus Groups Ethnographic In-Depth Interviews Shop-Along interviews Expert Interviewing In-home usage tests (HUT)/Product Placements Taste Tests Mock trial / mock jury

Talking Heads Studio regularly sources consumer, B2B, and healthcare nationally, representing the following markets: Atlanta, Chicago, San Francisco, Los Angeles, New York, New Jersey, Philadelphia, and Nashville.


International capabilities

United States of America

Industry affiliations

Insights Association (United States)

AMA (United States)

QRCA (United States)

Key personnel

Tracey Howard


(404) 229-3299

Women-Owned Business


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