
New York, New York


Qualitative Research

Software & Technology

Pulsar is the next generation audience intelligence platform that’s taking social data insights to a whole new level.


(+1) 646 902 93 49

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Pulsar is the next generation audience intelligence platform that’s taking social data insights to a whole new level. Pulsar goes beyond keyword tracking and text mining, allowing you to map brand audiences and track how content spreads. Pulsar uses cutting-edge data science, image analysis and premium data sources like Facebook Topic Data. There are two products currently available on the Pulsar platform: TRAC for social media listening, and CORE or own channel analytics. We also have a Research team for insights and consultancy around digital audiences.


International capabilities

United States of America, United Kingdom, Germany, Belgium, Denmark, France, Ireland, Italy, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Netherlands

Industry affiliations

MRS (United Kingdom)

ESOMAR (International)
