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Progresso Research

Old Bridge, New Jersey

Data Collection

Full Service

Panels / Communities

Progresso Research is a market research firm that provides quantitative research data collection services globally.




Progresso Research is a leading market research firm renowned for its extensive global respondent access. This access is facilitated through proprietary panels, meticulously crafted using our unparalleled recruitment capabilities. Our expertise spans across various sectors, including consumer, B2B, and healthcare verticals worldwide.

Our consumer research services are designed to provide deep insights into consumer behavior, preferences, and trends. By leveraging our proprietary panels, we can gather data from a diverse and representative sample of consumers from different regions and demographics.

In the B2B sector, Progresso Research excels in understanding the complexities and nuances of business markets. Our proprietary panels include a wide range of professionals, decision-makers, and industry experts who provide valuable insights into market trends, competitive landscapes, and business strategies.

The healthcare vertical is another area where we shine. Our recruitment capabilities allow us to build panels that include healthcare professionals, patients, and other stakeholders enabling us to conduct comprehensive research on various healthcare topics.

One of our key strengths is our ability to recruit and maintain high-quality panels. Our recruitment process is rigorous and ensures that our panels are representative of the target population. We continuously update our panels to ensure they remain relevant and reliable.

Our global reach is another significant advantage. With proprietary panels in multiple countries, we can conduct cross-cultural and international research with ease.

Progresso Research is also committed to ethical research practices. We adhere to strict guidelines and standards to ensure that our research is conducted with integrity and respect for respondents' privacy. Our panels are built with the consent of participants, and we ensure that their data is handled securely and confidentially.



Mailing address

5 Stewart Ct.

Old Bridge, New Jersey,
United States of America


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International capabilities

United States of America, Australia, Canada, United Kingdom, China, India, Germany, Belgium, Brazil, Chile, Denmark, Finland, France, Greece, Hong Kong, Hungary, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Kenya, Kuwait, Malaysia, New Zealand, Norway, Philippines, Poland, Puerto Rico, Romania, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, Thailand, Netherlands, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, Vietnam

Industry affiliations

ESOMAR (International)

Insights Association (United States)

Key personnel

Vikram Nayar




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