Artarmon, NSW, Australia
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Who are we?
We’re all about Human Experience (HX). Viewing people as humans rather than customers allows brands to play a more meaningful, authentic & relevant role in people’s lives, which we believe is the next step after CX & UX.
Helping our customers become more human-centric, enables them to anticipate needs, build better products, provide superior services, & deliver exceptional Human Experiences.
What’s our approach?
Our approach & philosophy is SwaS - Solutions with a Service. We combine the latest technology with innovative research methodology & smart thinking.
We focus on foresights not insights, on outcomes rather than measurement, & uncovering the human behind the data.
We use our own proprietary software as well as partnering with the smartest technology providers & promote integration.
What services do we offer?
Voice of Customer programs – for enhancing & improving the experiences you deliver to your customers
Insight Communities – providing you with deeper, longer-lasting relationships with your customers
Data integration and visualization solution- bringing together all your business-critical information in to one place. Live, dynamic, interactive. Making informed decisions in your business will get a whole lot easier.
Data Hubs - the simple but smart solution for storing all your files. All your research, reports, images and video files are kept safe, but within easy reach. It’s the place your information calls home.
Voice of Employee programs – for engaging & understanding the mindset of your most important asset
Consulting - real people, giving you real insight, offering you full research services and helping you maximize the value of your HX programs
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International capabilities
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