New York, New York
Why choose PRS IN VIVO
#1 In Packaging Testing
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Largest Norms Database
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Behavioral Science Leader
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Our proprietary behavioral framework helps clients improve their business outcomes. Whether it’s enhanced eye tracking technology, the application of AI and machine learning to our extensive database, or embedding biometric feedback into our research process, we only embrace innovation that leads to greater efficiencies, deeper insights, and new discoveries.
Behavioral Science has been at the core of what we know drives consumer choices and shapes shopper experiences. By including a behavioral framework in the foundation of all our research our clients power their growth by building more successful products that win in the digital cart and on the shelf.
International capabilities
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We conduct behavioral science-based market research to uncover new, smart, actionable insights to increase your impact.
Why choose Mindstate Group
Behavior Research Experts
Client & Supplier Exp
Behavioral Science
Artificial Intelligence
Cross Industry Exp