Multi-sponsor Surveys brings 30+ years experience developing, conducting and marketing syndicated research studies that assess current/future markets for consumer and business-to-business products and services. Our nationally representative sampling provides clients with actionable results.
We offer syndicated primary research studies in the U.S. and International markets, many of which are repeated annually/bi-annually, providing valuable insights into marketplace trends. We have one of the most wide-ranging databases of consumer and business-to-business research with extensive experience in food, beverage, dietary supplements, pharmaceuticals, healthcare, personal care, pet care, household goods and lawn/garden products
Multi-sponsor Surveys provides affordable shared-cost research with a custom touch, making every effort to ensure our clients’ research needs are being met. Study subscribers are given the chance to preview draft questionnaires and provide input, in addition to the opportunity to purchase proprietary questions or special over samples. Studies are also available for immediate purchase after completion.