Morphii a Product of Vizbii Technologies, Inc.

Charleston, South Carolina

Qualitative Research

Quantitative Research

Software & Technology

Morphii® is the X-Factor in capturing X-Data. Augment & Affirm Data Analytics Strategies with Morphii X-Data to make all of your data more powerful!


(843) 329-9347

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Morphii® is the X-Factor in capturing X-Data.

With Morphii, people don't have to rate or explain their experiences, and you don't have to interpret them.

Vizbii's patented technology provides: • More Engaging, Authentic and Efficient X-Data Capture • Higher Quality, More Actionable X-Data • A New Class Of X-Data – INTENSITY

Intensity matters … In combination with a selected experience type, it improves behavioral prediction by at least 60%.

Morphii, a plugin widget technology, seamlessly integrates into applications and platforms (like Qualtrics, FocusVision Decipher, Dynata, and others) to capture and quantify experience in real time.

Perfect for Capturing: • Consumer Experiences in Market Research (Brand Health, Concept Testing, Product/Service Experience, Monitoring Consumer Journeys) • Community Experiences (Non-consumer groups like Employees, Students, Constituents, etc.) • User Experiences (Digital Experience Measurement for Websites, Applications, eCommerce, etc.) • Patient Experiences & Outcomes (Monitoring clinical and non-clinical experiences)


International capabilities

United States of America, United Kingdom, Canada, Germany, Argentina, Brazil, Mexico

Industry affiliations

Insights Association (United States)
