
Minneapolis, Minnesota

Data & Analytics


Metametrix is a text analytic insights platform with three solutions to make efficient and effective use of your data revealing the WHY in the data.


(612) 599-2197

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The world is generating valuable data every day

Web content like news and blogs, social media, customer reviews, survey open ends. This data is an untapped gold mine of consumer insights. The challenge is how to coax the meaning from it effectively and efficiently.

Metametrix meets that challenge with instant analysis revealing the trifecta of insights. Our proprietary technology detects values, emotions, and sentiment in the data, untangling the complexity of WHY we do what we do. Without these behavioral signals, an incomplete analysis is produced.

In addition, the Metametrix platform lets users upload their own data for instant analysis. And if you’ve always wanted a look behind the data viz, one click lets you download The Data Mine, an extract to analyze and filter your data or public data for an unparalleled level of actionable customer insight—all from your desktop.


International capabilities

United States of America
