Medallia LivingLens

San Francisco, California

Software & Technology

A video intelligence platform that helps organizations capture and extract rich data from consumer research and customer feedback videos.


(650) 321-3000

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Medallia LivingLens helps the world’s leading brands and market research agencies work with video feedback at scale by analyzing the data contained within speech, sentiment, emotion, and objects. Our video intelligence platform simplifies the complexities of video and aims to free your organization’s resources so you can focus on what matters to you – understanding your customers, employees, and users better.

Automatically extract insights and identify key themes that take you to meaningful content quickly, so you can tell powerful stories that inspire action and drive change within your organization.


Mailing address

575 Market Street

Suite 1850

San Francisco, California,
United States of America


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International capabilities

United States of America, United Kingdom, Australia, Canada, New Zealand

Industry affiliations

Insights Association (United States)


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