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dichter & neira Latin America & the Caribbean

Panama City, Panama

Data Collection

Full Service

Qualitative Research

dichter & neira, with 14 offices in Latin America and the Caribbean is a genuine leading market research company in the region.




dichter & neira, with state-of-the-art offices in Bolivia, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, and the Dominican Republic, is a genuine leading market research company in Latin America and the Caribbean. Each year our world-class researchers design, conduct, and deliver over 2,000 studies for more than 400 active clients. That is the reason at dichter & neira, we recognize and understand the rich diversity of our region the way we do.

Our 14 offices all with CAPI recollection capabilities and focus groups facilities, are complemented by our d&n Regional CATI Center, a 150-station workplace aimed to cover 40 Latin American and Caribbean countries and territories. The Regional Center's main focus is to facilitate multi-country, high-quality research standardization and consolidation of data.


Mailing address

Boulevard Costa del Este

Edificio Punta del Este, Piso 16

Panama City,


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International capabilities

Bolivia, Colombia, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru

Industry affiliations

ESOMAR (International)

AMA (United States)

AMAI (Mexico)

Key personnel

Gabriel Neira

Chief Executive Officer


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