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Panama City, Panama
dichter & neira, with state-of-the-art offices in Bolivia, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, and the Dominican Republic, is a genuine leading market research company in Latin America and the Caribbean. Each year our world-class researchers design, conduct, and deliver over 2,000 studies for more than 400 active clients. That is the reason at dichter & neira, we recognize and understand the rich diversity of our region the way we do.
Our 14 offices all with CAPI recollection capabilities and focus groups facilities, are complemented by our d&n Regional CATI Center, a 150-station workplace aimed to cover 40 Latin American and Caribbean countries and territories. The Regional Center's main focus is to facilitate multi-country, high-quality research standardization and consolidation of data.
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