Decision Insight Inc.

Shelton, Connecticut

Full Service

DI’s team of researchers measures the impact of Brick & Mortar and eCommerce strategies using simulated environments to predict market performance.


(816) 221-0445

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Decision Insight is the shopper insights and retail strategy firm that uncovers shopper behaviors and motivations for businesses who compete at retail. Our best-in-class research professionals and strategic planners measure the impact of shopper strategies using a range of digital technologies, including virtual environments.

Three decades of consumer research experience have groomed the team at DI to actively anticipate the emerging needs of manufacturers, retailers, eCommerce, and restaurant clients. Our predictive analytic insights combined with technology-enabled methodology led to activation at retail. Named by the Path to Purchase Institute as the "purest research house among virtual shopping suppliers," our approach is Shopper Centric and Retail Forward. We understand that the ultimate measure of your research investment is the result you achieve from the actions you take. Are you ready for results? DI is here to help.


International capabilities

United States of America

Industry affiliations

ESOMAR (International)

Insights Association (United States)

AMA (United States)

P2Pl, POPAl, Category Management Association
