
Stockholm, Sweden


Panels / Communities

Software & Technology

Cint is a global software leader in digital insights gathering.



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Cint is a global software leader in digital insights gathering. The Cint platform automates the insights gathering process so that companies can gain access to insights faster with unparalleled scale. Cint has the world’s largest consumer network for digital survey-based research, made up of over 155 million engaged respondents across more than 130 countries.

Over 2,900 insights-driven companies - including SurveyMonkey, Zappi, Kantar and GfK - use Cint to accelerate how they gather consumer insights and supercharge business growth. Cint Group AB (publ), listed on Nasdaq Stockholm, has a rapidly growing team across 14 global offices, including Stockholm, London, New York, Singapore, Tokyo and Sydney.


Mailing address

Luntmakargatan 18



111 37

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International capabilities

United States of America

Industry affiliations

ESOMAR (International)

AAPOR (United States)

Insights Association (United States)

AMA (United States)

ARF (United States)

MRS (United Kingdom)

SMIF (Sweden)

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Panels / Communities

Software & Technology

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