Haryana, India
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We live by Integrity & Entrepreneurship- our two values. Integrity is not just ethical conduct, but holding ourselves to high standards for the work we do and the results we produce. Our entrepreneurship makes us constantly innovate to improve and grow.
We believe very strongly in Processes, People and Technology. Our management team comes from companies known for their execution excellence, have worked for multiple demanding clients in Channelplay, and are motivated and incentivized through our entrepreneurial culture and reward systems to deliver their best. Our field teams are selected through a rigorous process, and we provide best-in-industry HR environment to attract and retain talent. We start programs of hundreds of people within weeks, our people deliver millions of transactions a month, and our support functions serve thousands of people across hundreds of cities. We create processes that are replicable, measurable and closed loop - and process based execution is the only way of doing business at Channelplay. We deploy technology to measure performance reliably, transparently and in real time; and to plan, execute and improve basis metrics. 1Channel is not only the heart of our operation, but also trusted by dozens of clients to manage their operations. Through practicing these values, we aim to be one of India's best channel management companies so that we can provide meaningful work experiences and growth opportunities to our people, and deliver great value to our clients.
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