The New Era of Connected Products: How Clorox Used Adrich Tech For New Insight Into Their Consumers

Presented by Adrich


The Pinesol team at Clorox had implemented consumer studies in the past by implementing online research, surveys and in-home ethnography studies. These methodologies, done in small scale, were expensive to execute. More importantly the data from these methodologies is largely claimed data, where the consumer’s perception of the truth could be far from reality. For example, when asked how often they cleaned their bathroom, consumers would say every other week. In reality, however, cleaning would occur once a month. This resulted in inaccuracies with the results obtained from these methodologies.


Adrich offered a solution that provided a whole new level of insight into consumer homes. Pinesol chose the platinum package of Adrich’s smart consumer technology which provided a full-suite, turnkey service including quantitative usage data (when they use, time of day and week, how often, when they run out, etc.), realtime qualitative data (intercepting and sending surveys and communications to consumers during usage), fullservice recruitment of 200 consumers across multiple demographics, and complete analysis of usage data
(provided as a detailed report). Provided with a research brief, Adrich defined KPIs and developed surveys that were programmed to be sent during different 10-minute usage occasions throughout the product life cycle. The test was rolled out by “tagging” 200 Pinesol products with equal distribution across two scents in November 2018, and data collection continued over two months to understand consumer habits and behavior over an extended period of time.


  • Adrich’s smart consumer platform collected over 10,000 data points on Pinesol usage and over 800 survey responses from the consumers.
  • Adrich's dataset was nearly 1.5x larger than traditional ethnography, leading to larger and statistically significant dataset and both an aggregate level and at individual consumer level. The result - better consumer to technical modeling. 
  • Pinesol team found very meaningful differences on usage behavior between two different scents of the same product.
  • Pinesol team found that the consumers were using the product differently for the same usage occasion or job scenario. This insight was radically different,
    and more accurate, than the results obtained through previous claimed data studies.
  • Pinesol team was able to set a strategic direction for Pinesol product long-term through an understanding that a significant portion of respondents opted in for auto-replenishment program. These responses were obtained through an automated trigger of a survey when the smart product tracker detected that
    consumers were running low on Pinesol.
  • Almost 90% test completion amongst participants -significantly higher traditional in-home usage tests.
  • Near instantaneous response to surveys at point-of-use resulted in more accurate qualitative data. Average response was within the first minute of
    survey receipt from Adrich’s Consumer Connect system amongst all stages of product life cycle.
  • ~60% of consumers would choose to participate in another study after experiencing Adrich’s method of consumer research.


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Adrich captures & transmits real-time product usage & behavior data autonomously through connected smart sensing labels.

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