Skybet Uses Insight to Encourage Responsible Gambling

Presented by FlexMR


The success of SkyBet has prompted its parent company to branch out further in the industry, leading to the creation of four additional brands: SkyVegas, SkyCasino, SkyBingo, and SkyPoker. As the brand has grown in recent years, the team have been taking action to promote responsible gambling practices, underpinned by insight into how customers use Sky Betting and Gaming services.

As a responsible gambling operator, Sky Betting and Gaming are dedicated to reducing the potential for customers to develop problematic gambling behaviours; the company, ever committed to the promotion of responsible gambling practices, are always seeking new ways to deliver safe services to their customers.

Developing new services, especially with groups at risk of gambling addiction, requires robust and reliable research. It’s therefore important that the team at SkyBet have access, at all times, to high quality qualitative and quantitative tools that can produce results at speed. Additionally, because the number of responsible gambling initiatives the team work on at any one time can vary, SkyBet sought a research partnership that could work in an agile, flexible manner.


FlexMR provides an InsightHub package consisting of our Live ChatMR, DiaryMR and SurveyMR tools. This combination of online tools coupled with flexible support services enables the insight team to meet a challenging research schedule.

Using online focus groups and targeted surveys, the SkyBet insight team are able to build an accurate portrait of how consumers expect a responsible gambling operator to behave and what they would expect out of a responsible gambling tool.

“While we use surveys for most of our research, when deeper insight is required we are able to easily add on qualitative tools such as focus group and diary studies at any time.” -
Frances Clixby, Research Analyst

The SurveyMR tool enables SkyBet to easily programme their own custom surveys that informs later stage qualitative research. Importantly, the team are able to create and publish these in less than a day.

Live ChatMR allows SkyBet to interact directly with consumers and follow up with more in-depth questions focused on online betting experiences and responsible gambling practices. The SkyBet team use the answers and data gathered from surveys to guide these discussions and ensure they look at topics their audience has expressed interest in.

SkyBet also uses focus groups to gather sentiment-led, collaborative information on visual mockups of their responsible gambling tool. This data is being used to drive improvements in the tool, ensuring it lives up to and exceeds customer expectations.

‘‘The Onboarding and Project Managers we work with added real value to our research. They are incredibly supportive, and are always available to help us with any questions that we have throughout our projects.” - Frances Clixby, Research Analyst

Throughout all research tasks, the FlexMR research team ensures that the voice of SkyBet’s customers is well-represented and considered in all decisions.


“We incorporate research into everything we do. The insights we gathered through the InsightHub platform have helped us better understand how to encourage responsible gambling.” - Frances Clixby, Research Analyst

Guided by both their customers and the wider betting community, SkyBet have developed a popular and effective responsible gambling mechanism. This takes the form of a profit and loss visualisation tool which guides customers to responsible practices and options.

In addition to this particular tool, SkyBet have gained valuable insights into other improvements that can be made to facilitate responsible gambling, such as streamlining communications and making tweaks to the overall experience.



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