Hello Bank reinforces its connection with their core demographic

Presented by Mindspeller


While affiliated with BNP Paribas Fortis, one of the leading European financial institutions, Hello Bank managed its proprietary brand identity independently. For their mobile brand, the bank sought a way to reinforce its connection with the core demographic while setting itself apart from the competition. They began a rebranding exercise with the intention of exploring new associations for their brand.

Hello Bank was looking for creative ways to maintain and improve its competitive edge in the youngster segment. In order to reinforce the brand’s connection with this target demographic, our client was looking for new insights on the implicit level, responsible for driving top of mind associations. With Mindspeller’s help, Hello Bank was looking to integrate insights resulting from our research into their 2018 spring campaign.


Step 1: Mapping the associations of the bank's brand

The first step was to position the brand in Mindspeller’s map of implicit associations to reveal biases and emotional differentiators vis-à-vis the competition. As is often the case in a pilot positioning, implicit associations were more product or service category related than expected. However, the assumed competitive lead in emotional differentiators with the target demographic was confirmed. 

Step 2: Exploring a new brand story

Aided by  Mindspeller’s AI, our client uncovered new candidate concepts as strategic ‘destination’ input for Mindspeller’s GPS-like decision support navigation: fast, warm, youth, and travel.

Step 3: Competitive scan

Once these new storyline concepts were entered as input in our neuromarketing navigation system, Hello Bank wanted to benchmark their current association scores on these themes, looking to leverage existing competitive edges. Using our Neuro-Positioning tool, both Hello Bank and its main competitors were positioned to compare the association strengths for the short-listed candidate destinations.

A detailed analysis of the results, revealed an interesting avenue to pursue in the field of ‘low-cost travelling’ as the main campaign theme appealing to the youngster demographic.


As evidenced by the spring 2018 campaign imagery, Hello Bank implemented Mindspeller’s AI suggestions to reinforce its connection with the youngster segment. Key visuals integrated in social media campaigns emphasized the  new brand storylines focusing on travel and youth.

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